May 16, 2009

Awesome new release!

The first lord of chaos... Has been given access to! First you need to go through a deafening amount of quests to get to him... And then you do something totally stupid... Throw the cube at him, thinking it would stop him. He uses it to awake the hydra, which you need to defeat to get the fangs, which you need to crack open the runes, which you through into the bonfire, which makes the tower fall into the lake... And onto the hydra. *gasps* Phew that was a lot! And dont forget the AWESOME new cutscenes featuring... YOU, The 1st lord of CHAE-0S and... THE TOTALLY AWESOME HYDRA!!! (Which are kinda like Cyclops Raiders in the sence of health. And level.) AND YOU HAVE TO BEAT THEM NINE TIMES!!!!!!!!!! Good thing I was surrounded by a bunch of upgraded people... Lol!

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